There is much I don't have and sooooooo much that I want to do but the TRUTH IS that I have more than many and I certainly have a ton to be grateful for! Instead of waiting for the perfect pic/photo shoot, I have decided to just share a post that is truly about giving thanks and being sincerely grateful.
I am a 46 year old single mother of a 3 year old. I have a place to live, food to eat, a car to drive and a job to drive it to.......I have excellent child care, excellent child care.....don't scoff at it, it's hard to come by! I have been blessed with a handful of friends who invest in me and my child through prayer, time and just listening ears and support when we need it most. These are also things that I do not take for granted - I am super grateful. I have my family!! We are not perfect but we love each other through all the foolishness, the highs and the lows and no matter what, I know that I can count on them.
I am not as healthy as I would like to be but that's in my hands to change and I am thankful that I can be honest with myself and say, hey girl hey......fix that! I am working on me, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually... it is a necessary journey and sometimes I pull over to the side of the road and think about quitting and then I remember the one thing that I am most grateful for...
I am most grateful for the gift that is my son. He came out of a time in my life that I thought would certainly destroy me - no lie. Emotional and mental abuse and manipulation is no joke and I am grateful that I got up and walked away. Walked away with my life and my son. He is the most challenging and the most rewarding experience of my entire life and I in awe of the gift that he is and the wonder with which he lives and sees the world!
I always want to do more and be more and live more but today, I am grateful, indescribably grateful for how blessed my life is. Today I want to just stop and say, thank YOU GOD! I see Your work, thank You!
What are you grateful for as Thanksgiving approaches........hmmm where is that skirt? Its perfect for holiday dressing isn't it?