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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Seasonal Shopping for the Budget Conscious

Every once in a while I do a post for the greater, whatever that means. So, as I get my fall wish list together, I thought I would share my process for seasonal shopping on a TIGHT budget. 

As a new mom priorities change but I still have the same taste and desire even more high quality (translation; higher priced) items as I find that they last the longest and offer more value for the price. Today's post is allllll about shopping on a budget when seasons change. Please share and subscribe and let me know what you think!!

- Set your budget for the season; make it a realistic one based on monthly bills, savings and what you truly know you can spare......or else!!

- Create a seasonal wish list with everything that your heart desires

- Split the wish list into a buy list and a fantasy list (fantasy list is for items you can't possibly afford)

- Separate the buy list by needs and wants (are your flat black boots done - that's a core item that has to be replaced)

- Eliminate duplicate or similar styles (choose your favorite regardless of cost)

- Check to see if the most expensive items are on a sale or likely to go on sale based on the store that sells them (end of season sales typically happen mid season when the items are still very wearable - its a retail thing)

- Eliminate based on previous step (if they're not going on sale and you can't afford them, take them off the buy list)

- Check your cost per wear ratio (if you are not getting the most value for your money, move it from the buy list for a birthday or special gift purchase)

- Check items left on buy list against your budget

- If list does it match budget, move non essential items to fantasy list piece by piece until budget is achieved

- Purchase based on budget, purchase basic essentials and best cost per wear pieces first

- Enjoy your new pieces!!!! Note; items do not have to be bought at the start of a season. If you can afford one item per month or week then purchase as you can...